Seperate Meetings with Your Marriage Celebrant Prior to Marriage

From 12 June 2024 all authorised marriage celebrants are required under the Marriage Act 1961 (the Marriage Act) to meet with each party to the marriage separately and in person before they solemnise the marriage.

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Celebrating Marriage with Celebrant Ronald Cruickshank November 2022

Wedding Industry Showcase 2024 Hervey Bay Fraser Coast

Love is in the air, and we are thrilled to invite you to the Wedding Industry Showcase 2024, right here in the heart of beautiful Hervey Bay! This spectacular event is your one-stop destination for everything you need to create the wedding of your dreams.

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Notice of Intended Marriage – What is One Month’s Notice?

Parties to a marriage are required to give an authorised celebrant at least one month’s written notice prior to the solemnisation of their marriage. This notice is known as the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM). The NOIM must be given to the celebrant no later than one month before the date of the marriage.Here are some examples that explain the meaning of one month as it applies to the NOIM.


The Marriage Act 1961 and My Requirements Under the Law

I am obliged to comply with the Marriage Act 1961 and other laws of the Commonwealth and of this State, and to be on the lookout to prevent and avoid unlawful discrimination in the provision of marriage celebrant services. The Act sets out a uniform scheme for the solemnization of marriages by authorized celebrants.


Name Change in Australia Once You Receive Your Certificate of Marriage

Just married? Just over 80% of Australian brides will go on to change names. Once you receive your Births, Deaths, and Marriages wedding certificate you’ll need to contact all the necessary companies to request your name is changed. You can do it yourself with a good checklist, or use an Easy Name Change kit to get all your paperwork prepared.


Copyright Information for Weddings, Ceremony and Functions

Copyright grants to owners different exclusive rights according to the type of material in which copyright subsists, which the copyright owner has the right to exercise, or license others to do so.Copyright is a bundle of exclusive economic rights granted to the copyright owner under the Copyright Act 1968 for a limited period of time. These exclusive rights can be sold, licensed or otherwise transferred and the owner retains copyright. Here is a helpful list: