This notice is known as the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM).
The NOIM must be given to the celebrant no later than one month before the date of the marriage.Here are some examples that explain the meaning of one month as it applies to the NOIM.
A NOIM cannot be given more than 18 months prior to the date of the marriage.
The examples provided below demonstrate how to calculate the minimum one month notice (required under section 42 of the Marriage Act 1961).
Example 1: If the parties to an intended marriage give written notice (the NOIM) to a celebrant on 15 November 2018, the first day the marriage could be solemnised would be 15 December 2018.
Example 2: If the parties to an intended marriage give the NOIM to the celebrant on 31 August, the first day the marriage could be solemnised would be 1 October that year. This is because September (being the calendar month after August) only has 30 days.
Example 3: In a year that is not a leap year, the notice period for a NOIM given on 29, 30 or 31 January ends at the end of February in that year. For a NOIM given to a celebrant on 29, 30 or 31 January, the first day the marriage can be solemnised is 1 March of that year.
Example 4: In a leap year, the notice period for a NOIM given on 29 January, ends on 28 February, and the first day that the marriage could be solemnised is 29 February of that year.
For help with the giving of Notice of Intended Marriage, please call or message me: