Copyright Information for Weddings,

Ceremony and Functions

Portable Bluetooth Amplifier – Large

Who can you contact about copyright for your wedding function?

Copyright subsists in original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works; and in other subject matter, including films, sound recordings, radio and television broadcasts and published editions of works.

Copyright grants to owners different exclusive rights according to the type of material in which copyright subsists, which the copyright owner has the right to exercise, or license others to do so.

Copyright is a bundle of exclusive economic rights granted to the copyright owner under the Copyright Act 1968 for a limited period of time.

These exclusive rights can be sold, licensed or otherwise transferred and the owner retains copyright. This is irrespective of the fact that an individual may own the physical carrier, such as a book or Compact Disc (CD).

Below is helpful information to assist you in determining whether you need to obtain a license to use specific items in your wedding ceremony and any celebrations afterward.

Wedding ceremony, Funeral, Baptism or Worship Service:

The use of music and sound recordings for the ceremomy do not need a licence, however, use at the reception, pre wedding ceremony, for recording and dubbing CD's and video, and for the printing of lyrics, order of service and sheet music, a licence will be required. Explore the following organisations:

For live bands
For recorded music
Music Licences & Royalties
Licencing Forms.

Live bands and soloists:

The use of music and sound recordings for the ceremomy, at the reception, and the pre wedding ceremony, do not require you to obtain a licence as the artist should have their own. However, for recording and dubbing CD's and video, and for the printing of lyrics, order of service and sheet music, a licence will be required. Please contact the copyright owner.

Downloading of Music and Backup CD's:

The downloading of music and sound recordings for the ceremomy, use at the reception, pre wedding ceremony, for recording and dubbing CD's and video, and for the printing of lyrics, order of service and sheet music, a licence will be required. Please contact the copyright owner.

Music and songs no longer subject to copyright:

The use or performance of traditional or old hymns and older music where the author died 50 or more years ago, provided it is not subject to a modern arrangement, will not require a licence.

Poetry and other literary dramatic works:

The use of such works for the ceremomy, at the reception, and the pre wedding ceremony, do not require you to obtain a licence provided the author is acknowledged. However, for recording and dubbing CD's and video, and for the printing of lyrics, order of service and sheet music, a licence will be required. Please contact the copyright owner or AMCOS

Additional film footage in the wedding video:

Licencing is required, contact APRA

Celebrant Ronald Cruickshank plays the Viola