June 7th 2015
Venue: Boondoomba Homestead at 2pm
Assembly: Ron to assemble in the garden under the big Pine tree with Col, Toby (Best Man), John (Ring Bearer). Master of Ceremony is Ray.
Birgette will be video person.
Guests (25) will be seated in the gardens.
Procession: Connie will walk from the Homestead to the Gardens with Kym (Bridesmaid), Ray, and Kimberley.
Celebrant Ronald: Today on behalf of Col and Connie I would like to thank you for joining them on this special day.
At this point in the ceremony I will ask if there is anyone hear that objects to this man and woman being joined in holy matrimony, and if so could they please stand, and make their way to the exit!!
Celebrant Ronald: Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
Ray: I do. (Ray releases Connie and joins the guests).
Celebrant Ronald: (Legal statement)
“I am duly authorised by law to solemnize marriages according to law.
Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
Marriage according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”
Celebrant Ronald: Col please repeat after me… (Legal statement)…
“I call upon the persons here present to witness that I Colin James McAllister, Take thee, Constance Annette Burgess, To be my lawful wedded wife.”
Celebrant Ronald: Do you Col take Connie to be your lawfully wedded wife?
To ride beside her on the journey…?
Through good times and bad…?
For richer or poorer…?
In sickness and health…?
Do you promise to love her for:
The slightly crazy…
Horse riding…
Boot wearin’….
Country girl that stands before you today?
Col: I do.
Celebrant Ronald: Do you Connie take Col to be your lawfully wedded husband?
To ride beside him on this journey…?
Through good times and bad…?
For richer or poorer…?
In sickness and health…?
Do you promise to love him for:
The truck driving…
Long legged…
Wrangler wearin’…
Country boy that stands before you today?
Connie: I do.
Celebrant Ronald: Can we have the rings?
Ring Bearer: John presents the rings.
Celebrant Ronald: Col repeat after me… (While placing the ring on Connie’s finger)
Connie I give this ring as a sign that I choose you…
To be my lover…
My partner…
And my best friend…
Today, tomorrow, and always.
Col: Repeats.
Celebrant Ronald: Connie repeat after me… (While placing the ring on Col’s finger)
Col I give this ring as a sign that I choose you…
To be my lover…
My partner…
And my best friend…
Today, tomorrow, and always.
Connie: Repeats.
Celebrant Ronald: Now with the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife.
Connie & Col: THE KISS
Celebrant Ronald: We will now proceed to the signing table.
Col and Connie: Sign the marriage Certificates at the signing table, along with the witnesses Robyn and Murray, with Ron’s guidance. (Guests take photos).
Celebrant Ronald: I now give to you all Mr. and Mrs McAllister.
Guests: Cheer loudly!
Celebrant Ronald: And now please feel free to have a look around the beautiful historical homestead and then make your way to Mundubbera to the Billabong Motel for the reception at 6:30pm, thank you, and can the bridal party and the parents of the bride and groom please remain for photos.
Mary Ellen White said:
"This was a fantastic wedding!! What a beautiful little flower girl, bridesmaid, BRIDE, two young boys, handsome groomsman and a handsome GROOM. Nothing goes better with black vests than Wrangler jeans! Gorgeous dresses in denim to complement the guys in jeans. Thank you for letting us be a part of your wedding."ELEBRANT RO