Complaint Procedure - Please Bring It to My Attention

Information on How You can Make a Complaint about My Service with me or the Attorney General’s Office:

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I value your feedback and to this end I will provide you with ample opportunities to provide this verbally and also formally, however, if you have a complaint then simply take the first step and bring your complaint/issue to my attention by sending me an email. (Please provide detailed information about the issue that is troubling you. Thank you).

If in the unlikely event that you have a complaint about my services, and you feel you may be unable to resolve this with me directly, please contact the Attorney General’s Department:

Phone: 02 6141 6666

Complaints are to be made in writing and the Attorney General’s Department has a complaint resolution process in place to follow through on any complaints received.

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to improve my service to the standard of excellence that all my customers deserve.

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