The ceremonies of Baptism/Naming speak powerfully of this Love and as you follow the service by joining in the prayers and responses you are drawn deeper into God’s Love.
Baptism or Naming Ceremonies are a declaration to Holy Spirit and to your community that you accept the responsibility of bringing yourself and your child in the practice of listening to Holy Spirit first. It is also a time for godparents to be formally appointed, and for them to declare to God and the community their support in the gentle guiding to truth and Love.
Prayers may be offered for the person being baptised, and for their family. You may make a selection, or write them for yourselves, our ministers will be happy to help.
Water is the symbol of life and water also helps to clean us. Baptism signifies the new spiritual life and the cleansing. The water is blessed and the minister then may ask you to renew the vows which were made for you at your own baptism, as well as sharing with you your promise to bring yourself, and your child, being mindful of the Holy Spirit within us all, and of our oneness.
The offering of thanks and praise to Holy Spirit is the beginning of an eternal life of joy and total happiness. You and/or your baby will be given the blessing of Holy Spirit and, in so doing, reveals this light in the world.
Candles may be lit during the Ceremony to symbolise the light of Holy Spirit which will shine on and through the life of the person being baptised or named.
Please contact me to discuss a Baptism or a Naming Ceremony, and to receive help and support in designing a ceremony that is unique and special for you.